All of the documents listed below are available for download by clicking on their title.
ECP (EcoLogo) Certificates
Hardsurface Cleaners - November 2000
Hardsurface Cleaners - January 2002
Hardsurface Cleaners - April 2005
Hardsurface Cleaners - October 2006
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners - April 2005
CCD 146I Cleaning Product with Low Potential for Environmental Illness and Endocrine Disruption
Envirodesic Certificates
PCS Detergent Free Cleaners
PCS Process MicroClean
A Comparison of the Acute Aquatic Ecotoxicity of Surfactants used in
Cleaning Products with Natural Ingredients
Surfactants can cause Resistance
A More Sustainable Approach to Everyday Cleaning
Chemicals from personal-care products in US rivers and lakes
Assessment of the Antibiotic Resistance Effects of Biocides
A Comparison of the Acute Aquatic Ecotoxicity of Surfactants used in Cleaning Products with Natural Ingredients
Surfactants can cause Resistance
A More Sustainable Approach to Everyday Cleaning