About Us
The PCS definition of cleaning to protect public health is as follows:
"Removal of organic surface contamination to very low levels not visually apparent, validated by
scientific measurements with ATP monitoring or microbial testing."
In its marketing of Process Cleaning Solutions and cleaning processes, PCS is committed to working
with all stakeholders to develop practical solutions to removing the most problematic contaminants
from environmental surfaces to reducing the risk environmental surfaces pose in transferring disease
causing pathogens.
1. Cleaning to Protect Public Health
Successful removal of environmental surface contaminants in any commercial, institution or health
care environment can be challenging. Aesthetic appearances can be misleading, as visibly clean
surfaces are not a good indication of organic debris and microbial contamination. Cleaning with
antimicrobial cleaners registered with Health Canada and relying on visual cleanliness alone
provides a false sense of security, since organic debris and microbial contamination can still
survive, depending on the process used and the type of surfaces cleaned.
Disinfectant cleaner manufacturers and suppliers have in the past focused on disinfecting
environmental surfaces with little regard to the science of cleaning. PCS is committed to the
process of cleaning environmental surfaces properly, with or without disinfectants, to protect
public health.
PCS offers a number of Health Canada DIN-registered Disinfectant/Disinfectant Cleaners for use on
hard nonporous environmental surfaces in health care facilities, institutions, schools and the
hospitality industries. PCS is committed to working with industry cleaning staff, institutional
managers, public health officials and infection control to develop and provide the most effective
Process Cleaning Solutions and methods, as validated by onsite ATP monitoring of cleaning efficacy.
ATP is adenosine triphosphate and is present in all living cells. It is a key component in the
"energy transfer system" within cells. The presence of high ATP levels is a good indicator of poor
hygiene and low ATP levels is an excellent indicator of good hygiene.
There are in addition many opportunities to clean without the use of disinfectants. PCS offers a
number of sustainable Process Cleaning Solutions without disinfectants, that can also be validated
onsite through ATP monitoring.
PCS Process Cleaning Solutions are distributed throughout Canada by:
• Larose in Quebec
• Swish Maintenance in Central Canada and the Maritimes
• Wesclean in Western Canada
• other regional partners.
PCS distribution partners are committed to rigorous staff training and actively participating in
finding the best Process Cleaning Solutions for the Canadian Sanitation Industry.
2. Cleaning to Protect the Most Sensitive Among Us
PCS is committed to protecting vulnerable populations, including chemically hypersensitive
individuals, children, the elderly and hospital and chronic care patients, all of whom can be
adversely affected by organic or chemical contamination of the indoor environment.
PCS Process Cleaning Solutions contain no volatile ingredients, contain only natural ingredients and
have no added scents. They are used with processes that effectively remove organic contamination
from the building environment without depositing toxic chemical residues. (Such residues can be more
hazardous than the organic contamination they are intended to remove.)
All non-disinfectant PCS Process Cleaning Solutions are independently certified by the
Envirodesic™ Certification Program. Envirodesic™ is an independent certification
organization that certifies products for maximum indoor air quality, minimum environmental impact
and sustainability, including the suitability for use around chemically hypersensitive individuals.
3. Cleaning to Protect the Environment
Most consumers have a strong desire to go green in their procurement choices for cleaning chemicals.
PCS is committed to producing cleaning products that do not add chemical contamination to either the
indoor or the outdoor environment. All Process Cleaning Solutions are formulated with the following
core principles:
• no synthetic chemicals
• no surfactants
• no volatile ingredients
• all ingredients are listed on the label.
• Synthetic detergent chemicals such as surfactants have prolonged impacts on aquatic and
bacterial life, and can act synergistically with other chemical pollutants.
4. Cleaning to Prevent the Spread of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
The European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks states
that current scientific evidence (including bacteriological, biochemical and genetic data) does
indicate that the use or misuse of certain active substances in biocidal products in various
settings may contribute to the increased occurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria, both in humans
and in the environment.
Current practice for protecting public health involves the use of disinfectants or disinfectant
cleaners. Disinfectants are chemicals registered with Health Canada that are capable of destroying
both beneficial and harmful bacteria. They should not be considered environmentally sustainable
because as currently used they can change the balance of nature and contribute to the further
development of drug resistant bacterial populations.
PCS is committed to developing cleaning processes that are highly effective at maximizing the
removal of organic microbial contamination from environmental surfaces, while minimizing prolonged
residual toxic chemical exposures. We encourage the use of procedures that include an effective,
verifiable cleaning step that physically removes bacteria and organic debris from environmental
For cases that require it, PCS does market some disinfectants/disinfectant Cleaners that offer a
lower dosage, greater stability, and greater safety than other current technologies. We work with
client organizations to help determine how to minimize the use of disinfectants while still
achieving and verifying the necessary level of hygiene.