Helpful Articles
All of the documents listed below are available for download by clicking on their title.
Poorly processed reusable surface disinfection
tissue dispensers may be a source of infection
Long-Term Exposure to Benzalkonium Chloride Disinfectants Results
in Change of Microbial Community Structure and Increased
Antimicrobial Resistance
New Data Confirm Biofilms on Majority of Dry Surfaces
Poorly processed reusable surface disinfection
tissue dispensers may be a source of infection
Current and emergent strategies for disinfection of
hospital environments
Surface-attached cells, biofilms and biocide
susceptibility: implications for hospital cleaning
and disinfection
Presence of biofilm containing viable multiresistant
organisms despite terminal cleaning on clinical
surfaces in an intensive care unit
Biofilms in Hospitals Prevalent, May Contribute to Infection
Manicures, Pedicures and Nail Treatments
Bleach Solutions for Disinfecting
Management of Hazard Group 4 viral haemorrhagic fevers and similar
human infectious diseases of high consequence
Blood and Body Fluid Spills Clean-Up
GUIDELINE: Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Infection control: Cleaning and Disinfecting
Mixing of Chlorine (Bleach) Solution for Disinfecting
Routine Practices and Additional Precautions for Preventing the
Transmission of infection in healthcare settings
The Disinfecting Power of an Old Stand-by: Chlorine Bleach
Mixing of Chlorine (Bleach) Solution for Disinfecting
Hairdressing and Barbering Disinfection Chart
Cleaning and Disinfecting in Childcare and School Setting
Disinfection solutions using household bleach (5.25% bleach):
Preparing Household Bleach as a Disinfectant - Durham Region
Preparing Household Bleach as a Disinfectant - Peel Region
Preparing Household Bleach as a Disinfectant - Toronto Region
Evaluation of two recommended disinfection methods for cleaning cloths used
in food services of southern Brazil
Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Care of Patients with Suspected
or Confirmed Filovirus Haemorrhagic Fever in Health-Care Settings, with Focus on Ebola
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex - Pathogens Safety Data Sheet
Residual Viral and Bacterial Contamination of Surfaces after Cleaning and Disinfection
Safety and Cleaning of Medical Materials and Devices
Biofilms on Toys, Books, Cribs after cleaning
Biofilms on hospital surfaces after cleaning
Outbreak Prevention, Control and Management in
Supportive Living and Home Living Sites
Evidence Based Cleaning Practices
We are Surrounded
CDC Control Measures for Outbreaks
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults
Fact Sheet on Aerobic Biodegradation of Surfactants
How To Clean and Disinfect Schools To Help Slow the
Spread of Flu
Cleaning Objects/Surfaces to Health, Safety
Prevent Spreading H1N1
Detergent Residues on Surfaces - Food for Microbes
How to prevent germs from spreading
Microbial contamination of hospital reusable cleaning towels
PCS Study Effect of Laundry Detergent Residues on Disinfectants
Environmentally friendly pollutants - what
your detergent does to waterways
CBC's 'dirty hospital' report sparks changes
Assessment of the Antibiotic Resistance Effects of Biocides
Characterization of occupational exposures to cleaning products used for common cleaning tasks
Public Health Guidance for Child Care Programs and Schools (K to grade 12) Regarding H1N1
Best Practices for Environmental Cleaning for Prevention and Control of Infections - In All Health Care Settings
Disinfectant Overkill - How too clean may be hazardous to our health
Infection Control Guidelines - Hand Washing, Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization in Health Care
Disinfectant and Asthma
Maternal occupation and the risk of birth defects
Mom's job may increase risk of birth defects
Montreal schools ban green cleaning products
Disinfection: is it time to reconsider Spaulding?
Superbugs curbed, but still more to do
Recommended Minimum Cleaning & Disinfection Level and Frequency
AquaTox Testing
Canada Food Inspection Agency Letter
Cleaning & Disinfectants with Stryker Recommendations
Cleaning and Disinfecting with PCS Hypochlorite Disinfectants
#1 Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008
#2 Journal of Hospital Infection
#3 Effects of cleaning and disinfection in reducing the spread of Norovirus
#4 Best Practices for environmental cleaning for prevention and control of infections
#5 Maternal occupation and the risk birth defects
#6 Cleaning in Healthcare Facilities
#7 SCENIHR Assessment of the Antibiotic Resistance Effects of Biocides
#8 Effect of subinhibitory concentrations of benzalkonium chloride on the competitiveness of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa grown in continuous culture
#11 The role of environmental cleaning in the control
of hospital-acquired infection
#12 Measuring the effect of enhanced cleaning in a UK hospital:a prospective cross-over study
#13 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults
#14 NHS Revised Healthcare Cleaning Manual
#15 Attachment of Noroviruses to Stainless Steel and Their Inactivation Using Household Disinfectants
#19 Safety and Cleaning of Medical Materials and Devices
#20 Efficacy of disinfectants and detergents for cleaning hospital
environmental surfaces
#21 Promises and pitfalls of recent advances in chemical means of preventing the
spread of nosocomial infections by environmental surfaces
#22 Isolation and characterization of synthetic detergentdegraders
from wastewater
#23 Organic Acid
#24 Efficacy of Common Disinfectant/Cleaning Agents in Inactivating Murine Norovirus as a Surrogate for Human Norovirus
#25 Converting Health Care and Institutional Cleaning Into an Evidence-based Science
#26 Antimicrobial Testing Program | Pesticides | US EPA
#27 PCS Study effect of laundry detergent residues on disinfectants
#28 clostridium-difficile-infection-guidelines Scotland
#29 March 4th 2011 CDC update norovirus
#30 Frequently Asked Questions about Clostridium difficile for Healthcare Providers